Single Turret Rinser

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Single turret bottle rinsers have simple construction which makes them very reliable. Every part of the bottle washing machine is designed for quick and easy maintenance. When bottles enter the single turret rinser they are externally sprayed and lifted onto a carousel to be internally sprayed with a rinsing agent. Specially designed nozzles offer optimum washing by penetrating further inside the container.

  • Chemical, sterile water, Ultrazone 04® and/or air rinse with reclaim capabilities
  • Chemical Resistant
  • Rinses handles and unique shaped bottles
  • Fume management
  • Mobile and multiple nozzles
  • Roof and power vents

    0-5 log


    Up to 1100 bpm


    Alcohol, water, sterile water, ionized air, sterile air, HEPA filtered air, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid (PAA), and a variety of different chemical sanitizers